How Does Twitter Algorithm Works? How to Leveraging It

Knowing how does Twitter algorithm works and how it can help you stand out from the crowd are crucial pieces of information for any social media marketer. As a business or a creator, you need to optimize your Tweets to be picked up by the algorithm to have your content seen by the right people.

Do you want to learn more about Twitter’s algorithm? This article will explain it to you and help you optimize your Twitter account to reach more people. Click now!

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1. What is the Twitter algorithm?

Twitter is powered by multiple algorithms that determine all aspects of how content is served on the platform. It includes everything from suggested accounts to top Tweets. Like most social media algorithms, Twitter’s algorithms are all about personalization.

By that, the Twitter algorithm means the algorithm that powers the timeline of the Home feed, known as the top Tweets view.

How does Twitter algorithm works
What is the Twitter algorithm?

2. How does Twitter algorithm works?

Elon Musk’s advocacy for transparency in Twitter’s algorithm gains momentum, culminating in the platform sharing its algorithm code on GitHub in March 2023.

This move aims to unlock the platform’s potential and address concerns related to algorithmic bias. Twitter said that it will allow people to have more input and control in shaping what they want Twitter to be for them.

For now, the Twitter algorithm has been being some of the ways Twitter ranking algorithms power your experience on the platform. If you want to buy Twitter account, one of the greatest social media growth profiles on the market today is Mid-Man.

2. 1 Decoding the Twitter Recommendation Algorithm

Candidate Sourcing:

The recommendation pipeline commences by gathering top tweets from In-Network and Out-of-Network sources. In-Network sources compile recent tweets from followed accounts, utilizing a logistic regression model. Out-of-Network tweets are sourced using the social graph and embedding space approach.


All tweets, irrespective of source, undergo a machine learning-based ranking. Although specifics remain undisclosed, each tweet receives a score representing the probability of engagement, ensuring an impartial evaluation.

Application of Heuristics, Filters, and Product Features:

Following ranking, the algorithm refines tweet selection using heuristics, filters, and product features. This step excludes viewed tweets, content from blocked accounts, and NSFW material. Noteworthy features include author diversity, visibility filtering, content balance, social proof, and threaded conversations.

2.2 Timeline Choices: Home vs. Latest Tweets

There is not everyone loves to have an algorithm determine the content they watch online. That is why Twitter gives people choices such as the “Home timeline” (aka Top Tweets) or “Latest Tweets”. In other words, “Twitter algorithm” or “no algorithm”. By the way, Twitter users can switch between two choices, you click the star symbol on the desktop or swipe between views on mobile.

How does Twitter algorithm works
Home timeline vs. Latest Tweets

2.3 Twitter Topics and Explore Tab

Twitter introduces Topics, allowing users to follow specific subjects alongside individual accounts. The algorithm leverages machine learning to curate tweets related to these topics. The Explore tab, with sections like For You, Trending, News, Sports, Fun, and Entertainment, caters to diverse interests.

How does Twitter algorithm works
Twitter Topics

2.4 The Ever-Adapting Timeline Algorithm

Twitter’s timeline algorithm, in constant refinement, consists of Ranked Tweets, “In Case You Missed It,” and Remaining Tweets. Adapting almost daily to weekly changes, the algorithm ensures users receive a personalized and relevant timeline experience.

How does Twitter algorithm works
Customizable Timelines

2.5 Trends

Not only on Facebook or YouTube, but Trends also appear on Twitter. You can find them on the “Explore tab” on your mobile apps. By default, the Twitter trending topic algorithm normally shows Trends based on your current location. However, you can choose to see them at a specific location. From the “For you” screen, click “Settings”, then select the location you would like to view. That is also how does Twitter algorithm work on Trends.

Twitter algorithm

2.6 Recommended accounts

The recommended accounts mean users who you want to follow or who are suggested to you. On your home screen, the Explore tab and profile pages are suggested accounts it thinks you might want to follow. These recommendations are based on the below factors.

  • Your location
  • Your Twitter activity
  • Promoted accounts
  • Your activity on third-party websites with built-in Twitter content
  • Your contacts (if you uploaded them to Twitter)
Twitter algorithm
Recommended accounts

2.7 For you

The “For You” tab on Twitter, much akin to TikTok’s approach, offers a curated experience. This section includes suggested Tweets, accounts, topics, and other content that the Twitter algorithm believes might pique your interest.

While it isn’t strictly linked to your chosen Topics, the “For You” page tailors its selections and recommendations based on your Twitter history. The more you engage with the platform, the more accurate and personalized these suggestions become.

how twitter algorithm works
The “For You” tab on Twitter

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3. Algorithm ranking signals on Twitter

According to Twitter, the top Tweets are chosen based on the accounts you interact with the most, the Tweets you interact with, and more. Every social network algorithm has a secret sauce, and so does Twitter. The following is what Twitter has to say about how does Twitter algorithm works.

3.1 Relevance

You must have created a lot of relevance since you started using Twitter. Today, Twitter’s algorithm is more complex than before, it is based on relevance instead of just posting time. Based on these following features, the creator can take your file and see how the Twitter algorithm works.

  • Your previous actions on Twitter like your own Tweets and Tweets you have interacted with.
  • The accounts you usually join.
  • Topics you follow and engage with most.
  • Your location for Trends.
  • Number of Tweets related to a topic.
How does Twitter algorithm works
Relevance on Twitter

3.2 Recency

What have you tweeted, posted, or share on your Twitter account recently? Once you can not remember all your tweets, the Twitter algorithm is allowed to read, arrange and maybe save them. There are currently two types of features you can reference as below:

  • For Trends: Topics that have been popular for now rather than topics that have been popular for a while or on a daily basis.
  • Current events and topics may appear in a section at the top of the Home timeline called “What Is Happening?”.
How does Twitter algorithm works

3.3 Engagement

The purpose of the Twitter algorithm is to filter out irrelevant and low-quality content. This ability puts your post at the risk of being hidden from the feed if it does not match the criteria. The key to using Twitter for business is creating engaging content, so here are a few things you need to keep in mind.

  • For Tweets: How it is popular and how people in your network are interacting with the Tweet.
  • For Topics: How many people are Tweeting, Retweeting, replying, and liking Tweets about that Topic.
  • For Trends: It is about the number of Tweets related to the Trend.
Twitter algorithm

3.4 Multimedia

Multimedia is the type of media the Tweet includes images, videos, GIFs, and polls. Tweets will be displayed to users based on many factors, one of the most distinctive being multimedia. This model will also predict how attractive a Tweet is to each individual user. High-scoring posts will be at the top of your feed and the rest will be below.

  • Note that Twitter specifically says it will not recommend “potentially abusive or spammy content.” It goes without saying, but just in cases of no abuse or spam.
  • The type of media the Tweet includes (image, video, GIF, and polls).
How does Twitter algorithm works

4. Factors affecting the algorithm of Twitter

While recency has been a major factor since a large portion of the feed was still presented in chronological order. And the Twitter algorithm shares some common themes with other social algorithms.

Besides, Twitter’s stewardship means that the quality of your content and connections with your followers are still essential ways to get your posts reached and visible. As well as your social media strategy is the map that guides your marketing plans for the upcoming campaign.

How does Twitter algorithm works
Factors affecting the algorithm of Twitter

5.Optimize your account with the Twitter algorithm

Understanding how does Twitter algorithm works is just starting now. In order to get more visibility on your Tweets, you are going to need to learn the 10 tips below for optimizing your account with the Twitter algorithm. These tips will help you get set up with some of the essential ways to adapt to it and stay flexible when it appears to affect your social media metrics.

5.1 Be active on Twitter

All good relationships require commitment, even on Twitter. Regularly and consistently tweeting will boost your visibility and grow engagement which are key signals for the Twitter algorithm.

On the other hand, the less often you tweet, the more likely your account is to be the target of purges and unfollows. Thoughtfully, you do not need to feel overwhelmed because your schedule can be controlled easily.

Twitter algorithm
Be active on Twitter

5.2 Choose the best time

Since some people turn off the Twitter feed algorithm, it is important to post tweets during peak engagement hours. The best time to post on Twitter is 08:00 AM on Mondays and Thursdays, but if you have followers in multiple time zones, you must post throughout the day. Twitter Analytics also helps you find out when most of your followers are online and active.

How does Twitter algorithm works
Choose the best time

5.3 Verify your Twitter account

After a roughly three-year hiatus, Twitter reopened its public account verification process in May 2021. While the verification will not necessarily promote your content directly in the algorithm, it will help to show that you are legit and trustworthy. As a result, it can increase engagement and followers, leading to higher engagement and relevance ranking signals.

How does Twitter algorithm works
Verify your Twitter account

5.4 Tweets with photos, videos or GIFs

A boost in engagement can help your Tweet rank with Twitter’s algorithm. And it is well known that Tweets with photos, videos, and GIFs tend to get more attention. Twitter data shows a 95% increase in video views on Twitter in 18 months and 71% of Twitter sessions now involve video. Twitter recently began testing an expanded amount of space for visual content with edge-to-edge Tweets on iOS and Android, so graphics will be even more.

Twitter algorithm
Tweets with photos, videos or GIFs

5.5 Use tags sensibly

Hashtags are a great way to gain traction on Twitter to branded or otherwise. For example, Twitter data shows that the attention a Twitter ad gets increases almost 10% when it includes branded hashtags. You should keep an eye on trending hashtags.

Moreover, you should also plan with the top hashtag and keyword forecasts on the Twitter blog. However, you do not overdo it as Twitter recommends using no more than two hashtags per Tweet.

How does Twitter algorithm works
Use tags sensibly

5.6 Create interactions by asking or answering questions

There is a simple way to encourage followers to engage when driving engagement on Twitter. Therefore, holding a conversation or “Ask me anything” is another great way to spark a conversation. The engagement format is a tried and true way to increase likes, retweets, or comments.

If you require interaction, be prepared to give back, repost relevant posts, and answer questions. Show your followers your appreciation for there is no such thing as a one-way conversation.

How does Twitter algorithm works
Create interactions by asking or answering questions

5.7 Create a poll

Another thing you can ask for is votes or create interactions by asking and answering questions. Polls are a quick and easy way to ask for input on something. It could be anything from a topical brand survey to a specific request for feedback. The added benefit of a call and response strategy is that it gives you lots of feedback from your customers.

Twitter algorithm
Create a poll

5.8 Use tools to support analysis

When it comes to algorithms, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Use Twitter analytics to track what works and what does not for your particular account and adjust these tips accordingly.

And for an overview of how all your content is performing across different social media platforms, you should choose a social analytics tool to help you. From one dashboard of analytics, you can schedule and publish posts, engage your audience, and measure performance.

How does Twitter algorithm works
Use tools to support analysis

5.9 Re-tweet content

Even if you tweet at peak times, chances are many followers will miss your Tweet. And if it works well the first time, it is likely to come back. You should not just retweet or copy your best-performing content.

Besides, you need to find creative ways to repackage and re-share what works so that it gives enough time and contrasts with the original not to appear spammy.

How does Twitter algorithm works
Re-tweet content

5.10 Join the emerging trend

You need to look for trends and topics your brand can contribute to or lead. Follow the Trends tab on the Explore page for the latest trends in real-time. Nevertheless, do not incite trends or news your way into every Twitter conversation. Instead, you should find themes that make sense for your brand. Doing this will also increase the odds of appearing in Twitter Moment.

 Twitter algorithm
Join the emerging trend

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Learning how does Twitter algorithm works will help marketers create more optimized content and strategy. Hopefully, the above 10 helpful tips are great ideas for you to manage your social media marketing presence alongside your other social channels and even can save you time. Mid-Man is appreciated to show you more detailed information if you contact the website for any concerns.