Can You Untag Yourself On Instagram? A Comprehensive Guide

Can you untag yourself on Instagram

Can you untag yourself on Instagram? The answer is yes, and this article will guide you through the process step-by-step. Learn how to remove unwanted tags, adjust your tagging settings, and take control of your digital footprint on the popular photo-sharing platform.

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Can You Untag Yourself On Instagram? 

Being tagged in photos on Instagram can be fun. It lets your friends know where you are and what you’re up to. But sometimes, you may get tagged in a photo or Story you don’t want to be associated with. Perhaps the picture isn’t flattering or goes against your values. Whatever the reason, you’ll want to know how to untag yourself.

The good news is that Instagram allows you to untag yourself from posts. However, you cannot remove the tag yourself when it comes to Stories. For posts, it’s a straightforward process that only takes a few taps. But if someone mentions you in their Story, the ability to untag is not an option once that Story is live.

After untagging, the original post remains visible to others. However, your profile and activity feed will no longer be linked to that content. It’s like it never happened to you!

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How to Untag Yourself On Instagram

Untag From A Post 

  1. First, you need to find the post where you are tagged. 
  2. Next, tap on the tag that shows your username. This will open up some options. You should see “Remove Me From Post” as one of the choices.
  3. Tap on ‘Remove Me From Post.’ That’s it! Your username will no longer be tagged or linked to that post. For those looking to grow their digital footprint, considering options to buy Instagram account can provide a faster way to reach your goals while maintaining full control of your tags and mentions.
Can you untag yourself on Instagram
It is “Remove Me From Post” on iPhone and “Remove Tag” on Android devices


  1. Tap your profile picture.
  2. Tap the three-line menu in the top right corner.
  3. Select “Your Activity“.
  4. Go for “Tags“.
  5. Pick the post you want to remove from your Profile.
  6. Tap “Remove” at the bottom.
  7. Confirm by tapping “Remove” again.

Untag on Story

Stories are a bit different since they disappear after 24 hours. Unfortunately, once a Story has been published, there is no way for you to untag yourself from it. The only option is to ask the person who posted the Story to remove the tag before the 24-hour window closes.

Untag in Comments

You also cannot directly untag yourself from a comment on Instagram. The ability to untag only applies to posts and stories, not comments left by others. 

Your username becomes a clickable link when someone mentions you in their comment. It means anyone who sees that comment can easily visit your Instagram profile.

So, if you find yourself tagged in an Instagram comment you’d rather not be linked to, you’ll need to take a different approach. The only way to “untag” is to ask the person who left the comment to delete and re-post it without your username tag.

Your other option is to report the comment to Instagram if it violates their community guidelines around harassment, spam, or offensive content. But this is an extreme measure reserved for severe issues.

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How To Prevent Unwanted Tags

To prevent unwanted tags on Instagram, you can adjust your privacy settings to control who can mention you and how tags are managed on your Profile. 

Here’s how to do it:

Can you untag yourself on Instagram
You can decide who can mention you on Instagram
  1. Tap your profile picture in the bottom right corner to go to your Profile.
  2. Tap the three-line menu in the top right corner.
  3. Select “Tags and mentions.
  4. Choose one of the following options:
  • Everyone: Anyone can mention you.
  • People You Follow: Only people you follow can mention you.
  • No One: No one can mention you.

Manually Approve Tags:

  1. You will see “Tag controls” in “Tags and mentions.”
  2. Toggle on “Manually approve tags.”
Can you untag yourself on Instagram
When this setting is enabled, you can approve each tag before it appears on your Profile.

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Why You Might Want to Untag

Control Your Online Image

If a post contains something that doesn’t align with your brand or the image you want to portray online, untagging yourself can help maintain your desired online presence. For creators or businesses, exploring options to buy social media assets can also be a strategic way to reinforce your online identity.

Avoid Spam Or Inappropriate Content

Sometimes, people may mention you in posts containing inappropriate, offensive, or objectionable content you don’t want to be associated with. Additionally, if someone repeatedly tags you in posts without your consent, untagging yourself can help stop this unwanted behavior.

Manage Your Privacy

The post might reveal personal information you prefer to keep private, such as your location, activities, or who you were with. Understandably, you might not want the post to be visible to your followers, especially if it is not something you would typically share.


Who Can See Photos I’ve Been Tagged In On Instagram?

For public accounts, anyone visiting your Profile can see the photos and videos in which someone tagged you. If your account is private, only your approved followers can see the pictures and videos you’re tagged in.

Where Can I See Tagged Photos On Instagram?

You can check all your tagged photos and posts by going to your Profile -> Access Setting (three-line menu) -> Your activity -> Tag.

Will The Person Who Tagged Me Know If I Untag Myself?

No, the social media platform does not notify the person who tagged you when you remove a tag.

Can I Re-Tag Myself If I Accidentally Remove A Tag?

No. Only the person who posted the photo or video can tag you. If needed, you can ask them to mention you again.

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The answer to “Can you untag yourself on Instagram?” is a resounding yes. For those looking to enhance their Instagram experience, visit Mid-man, a trusted trading platform offering high-quality Instagram accounts to boost your social media strategy. Explore Mid-man today and take control of your online identity!